
An imprint (Impressum) is a legally required statement on websites and printed publications that provides information about the operator. In Germany and many other countries, websites must include an imprint to ensure transparency and comply with legal requirements…


An imprint is a legally required statement on websites and printed publications that contains information about the operator. In Germany and many other countries, websites must have an imprint to ensure transparency and meet legal requirements…

Contact Address is operated by:

  • natelo AG
    Sonnenplatz 6
    6020 Emmenbrücke, LU
    Switzerland CH

Authorized Representatives

  • Arman Farahani | CEO

Commercial Register Entry

Registered Company Name

  • natelo AG

Company Number

  • CHE-279.195.910

VAT Number

  • CHE-279.195.910 MWST

Contact Us

Contact can be made via email.


The author assumes no liability for the accuracy, precision, timeliness, reliability, or completeness of the information provided.

Liability claims against the author for material or immaterial damages resulting from access to, use or non-use of the published information, misuse of the connection, or technical failures are excluded.
All offers are non-binding. The author expressly reserves the right to change, supplement, delete parts of the pages, or discontinue publication temporarily or permanently without prior notice. All our services and pages have been created and designed with great care. Information, guides, and blogs are thoroughly researched and written. However, errors cannot be completely ruled out. Therefore, all details, references, information, and prices on this page are provided without guarantee. We assume no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of all information, references, or prices on our website. For each tariff, the last update date is visible on the right side below the price.

It is the customer’s responsibility to verify and compare prices before concluding a contract. If errors or misunderstandings occur on our site, we appreciate any feedback. We work with the utmost care and are always grateful when errors or outdated content are pointed out to us. We strive for the highest possible quality.

Liability for Links

References and links to third-party websites are outside our area of responsibility. We disclaim any responsibility for such websites. Access and use of such websites are at the user’s own risk.


Defamatory, reputation-damaging, sexist, racist comments, or pingbacks will not be tolerated and will be deleted immediately by an administrator/editor. Senseless or false name entries and URLs will also be removed.


The copyright and all other rights to content, images, photos, or other files on the website belong exclusively to natelo communications-Farahani or the specifically named rights holders. Any reproduction of any elements requires prior written consent from the copyright holders.

Third-Party Copyrights and Trademarks

The brands listed on our website are the property of their respective owners. If a brand attribution is missing, incorrectly mentioned, or inaccurate, please contact us immediately for correction.